You may have noticed that the our newsletters are a little different. We are moving away from the bulk email system that has sent out our newsletters for over a decade. Instead newsletters will be sent using the booking system.

We like to think that our newsletters provide useful information and interesting news about the club and Falls Creek. However, in line with the Spam Act, you have the right to opt out of non-essential emails. This mainly relates to our newsletters.

All booking emails and important emails about membership (eg AGM notices and annual subs) are essential emails. If you choose to opt out of non-essential emails, you will still receive these.

To opt-out of non-essential emails from AAC Falls Creek, log on to the booking system and go to menu Member/View My Details

At top right you can tick the Opt out of non-essential emails box and the click Save Updated Member Details

opt out box

Email from other AAC clubs

Each AAC club makes its own judgement about which emails are non-essential. If you opt out and later opt in again, other clubs may not know until you log in there again.